Jon Olsen - President

Born and raised in Montana, Jon Olsen, Vice President of Development for Spanish Peaks Mountain Club, has been involved with developing Spanish Peaks for nearly 20 years. He started as a consulting Project Engineer, responsible for the design and construction of all horizontal infrastructure. In 2005, he joined the in-house development team as the Director of Engineering and Construction. In 2019,  he transitioned into his current role. He now oversees the planning and entitlement process, long term land planning, horizontal and vertical construction, engineering design, public water supply system, and environmental compliance for Spanish Peaks.  He is a licensed professional engineer with a degree from Montana State University. Jon is actively involved in the Big Sky Community, serving as a board member of the Big Sky Trails, Recreation and Parks Board, as well as the recently formed Gallatin Canyon County Water and Sewer District.

Kevin Hinkle -  Treasurer

Kevin Hinkle is Chief Financial Officer, overseeing all of the Financial and Accounting functions for LMLC’s portfolio including private clubs, residential real estate development and sales, hotel and commercial development and operations. Previously, from 2009 to 2017, he was the CFO of Yellowstone Club, where he oversaw all Financial and Accounting functions of the 10,000+ acre project including legal review, and sat on the Board of several Homeowner Associations throughout the resort community. From 2017 to early 2019, he was based in Scottsdale, AZ, and was the CFO of Discovery Land Company. Kevin has also gained valuable experience in the financial aspects of residential community development with Terrabrook, that land development division of Westbrook Partners, ultimately leading to the transfer to the Big Island of Hawaii to oversee an exclusive residential resort community on behalf of owners Westbrook Partners and Discovery Land Company. As CFO (and later COO), Kevin gained extensive experience managing the financial and operational components of this development, prior to his transfer to the Yellowstone Club in August 2009. Kevin is a graduate of the University of Texas at Dallas School of Management, certified by the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy. He currently sits on several community boards and committees, including the Big Sky Chamber of Commerce and Big Sky Community Housing Trust.  

Dan Taft - Secretary

Dan Taft has been a Spanish Peaks member since 2004.  He and his wife, Judy Katany, built their house in Wildridge in 2007.  He is an avid skier, aspiring golfer and woodworker.  After graduation from the University of Michigan and Carnegie Mellon, Dan spent his career with ExxonMobil until retiring in 2010.  As a Naval Architect/Civil Engineer, he worked on various offshore research and development projects as well as the Exxon Valdez oil spill cleanup and subsequent litigation.  He finished his ExxonMobil career as the Nigeria Project Executive in charge of new facilities design and construction in Nigeria.  Since his retirement from ExxonMobil, he has been the CFO for TransFirm Consulting (Judy’s company) and has been busy skiing and golfing at Spanish Peaks.  In 2013, he and Judy relocated from Houston to Big Sky and are now permanent residents.